Horizontal, uncapping machine with capping strainers.
Horizontal, uncapping machine with capping strainers.
Reference: W20975BW
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Uncapping table, universal, with uncapped screens. The frames are automatically moved along the conveyor belt, the speed of which is controlled by the controller (the speed of the conveyor belt and the receiving belt can be adjusted independently). The gaps flow directly into the bath tub, while the honey dripping from the frames flows down the bath tub heated from the receiver side (the temperature is controlled by the controller), into the bath tub. After unapping, the frames must be picked up manually.
Technical data:
- length 2.5 m
- 1 m wide
- height 1.4 m
Scraper drive:
- belt ratio
- Unscrewing shaft drive:
- 2.2 kW engine
- Feeding and receiving table:
- 0.18 kW engine + 40/100 transmission PC-04 control
It is possible to buy an extruder 100 kg / h dedicated to the horizontal uncapping table (W20975).
When ordering, please let us know which type of extruder the extruder will be used for.