Manual uncapping table with capping extruder - capacity up to 100kg/h
Manual uncapping table with capping extruder - capacity up to 100kg
Reference: W20980
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- Made of stainless, acid-resistant steel
- Power supply - 230 V
- Ball valve 5/4’
- power 0.55kW - revolutions max 9rpm
- weight 82kg
- dimensions: H800 x W520 x L1280 mm
The device is designed for uncapping frames and separating honey in a mechanical way. This process takes place inside a perforated cylinder, where the rotating separating-pressing module presses out the honey, which enters through holes between the separating shaft and the perforated plate and drips onto a sieve underneath, while the remaining wax is moved and pressed by a screw inside the extruder and is then ejected outside. The dry wax is thus obtained in a form ready for melting.
The device consists of two elements:
- uncapping table
- unscrewing extruders