High varroa bottom board for Dadant and Langstroth beehives, painted
High varroa bottom board for Dadant and Langstroth beehives, painted
Reference: W102200
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Bottom is the lowest part in the multi-body hive. There are quite a few types of bottoms, they differ not only in appearance, but most importantly in functionality, which is why the beekeeper should choose a specific type and be tailored to individual needs.
It is equipped with a barrier ventilation mesh. A flat tray (drawer) is placed on its bottom. The front wall of the bottom has an outlet opening, the size of which is regulated by a plastic insert. On the underside of the Styrofoam bottom, flat hard plastic legs are attached, protecting the bottom against damage in transit.
Thanks to the hygienic end cap, we can easily carry out control of the Varroa destructor parasites, we can determine to what extent the bee family was attacked by this disease.
To this end, on the bottom of the drawer, where the parasites fall, it is worth placing a greased card - the parasites will be immobilized and will not separate. They can later be removed without any problem, without interfering with the bee's nest and unnecessary annoying bees.
Using a mesh in the bottom instead of the bottom is also a very good way to increase ventilation of the hive in winter. Due to proper ventilation, excess moisture is removed from the hive, which has an adverse effect on the development and wintering of the bee family.