Partition Dadant - polystyrene
Partition Dadant, polystyrene
Reference: W1029
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Partition Dadant, polystyrene
Undoubtedly, polystyrene beehives are becoming more and more popular. A small weight and dimensions, compared to wooden scaffolds, dimensions make them particularly useful in migratory apiaries, but they are also useful in stationary and amateur apiaries.
It is determined by the ease of their disinfection, durability and high aesthetics of workmanship. The only problem that can be encountered by the beekeeper is the moisture of the nest resulting from the impermeability of this material. However, the high thermal insulation of the expanded polystyrene ensures excellent thermal conditions, which has a beneficial effect on the rapid spring development of the bee colony kept in such a beehive. Styrofoam hives are equipped with additional elements to facilitate the performance of many apiary works and to obtain additional bee products.
The advantages of a polystyrene beehives:
* excellent insulating properties
* resistance to moisture
* lightness of elements that facilitates feeding, honey gathering and handling of hives
* long life, associated with resistance to weather conditions
* strong construction
* ecological performance (no risk for the environment in production, secondary use of waste)
* compatibility of all elements.