Roof European Dadant, not painted
American Langstroth roof, European Dadant - unpainted
Dimensions of frames for the Langstroth hive (435x230 mm)
Roof European Dadant, not painted
Polystyrene beehives become more and more popular. Low weight and small size in comparison with wooden beehives make them especially useful in migratory apiaries, but they are also used in stationary professional and hobbyist apiaries.
Main reason of their popularity are ease of decontamination, durability and high level of aesthetics. The farming in polystyrene hives is not much different from that in hives made of other materials. The only problem which beekeeper can meet is dampness of brood box resulting from impermeability of this material. High thermal insulation properties provide perfect thermal conditions which is beneficial for growing of bee colony in the Spring. Polystyrene beehives are equipped with additional elements making easier a lot of apiary works and to sourcing additional bees products.
In order to secure the hive the most functional, will be using a special belt. It results in even pressing of the roof surface. The roof itself does not deform / dent under the weight of the pressing material, e.g. paving stones located on it. The additional advantage of the solution is that in the case of belts, we prevent water from settling; thus, it does not cause degradation and penetration, as is the case with paving stones. The belt is 3.5 m long.
Advantages of polystyrene beehives:
- excellent thermal insulation properties
- resistance to moisture
- lightness of elements which make easier feeding, harvesting and managment of migratory apiaries
- long-life connected with resistance to atmospheric agents
- strong and durable construction
- environmental performance (no risk for enviroment, secondary use of waste)
- compatibility of all elements