Yellow polish opaliths - (1 year)
Polish yellow opaliths - (1 year)
Numbers from 1 to 100
Reference: OPALY
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Colors of mothers' marking
All over the world, mothers are marked in the same year with the same shade of opalites.
Five colors are used alternately, since mothers usually live for up to 5 years.
Labeling of a bee mother helps in identifying her age and finding it in a bee colony (eg to exchange or check if her mother is in a beehive).
Bee's mothers live for a maximum of 5 years and that is why you can meet opalites in five colors: white, yellow, red, green and blue. Each of these colors is assigned to a specific year, eg in the years ended with the number 1 and 6, the mother is marked in white, in the years ended in the numbers 2 and 7 in yellow, etc.
Opal tens for marking beekeepers:
YEAR 2017 Yellow
YEAR 2018 Red color
YEAR 2019 Green color
YEAR 2020 Blue color
YEAR 2021 White color
It is worth using opalites to systematize and better control the work in the apiary.