Metal excluder Dadant, vertical (44,5 × 31,9 cm)
Metal excluder Dadant, vertical (44,5 × 31,9 cm)
Reference: 4002
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Excluder Dadant, metal, vertical (44,5 x 31,9 cm)
dimensions 445 x 319 mm
The excluder Dadant is used to close the queen in a separate part of the hive, or to separate the second floor from the developmental nest, or the socket from the extension.
Grill gratings depending on the type of hive. are used in the system:
- vertical,
- horizontal
Separation of the nest from honey is intended to prevent the mother from becoming red in honeycombs.
Currently used types of off-grid grates,
- plastic excluder lattice film screens
bars with round wires
plastic grating
Workers pass through the crevices of the off-grid, while drones and medium-sized mothers can not squeeze through.
In the same way, wire segments are made, connected with spacers with holes, which provide the appropriate gap width.